15th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest
The new version of Paula’s streamer with the RPi in a vertical position.
Today I replaced the batteries and added the battery sensor on the tree. Actually, I replaced the whole thing with a version that has the RPi in a vertical position, so the card can be easily accessed only by removing the lid.
Both streamer and installation have a 130Ah battery fully charged from today.
The installation was down, the battery discharged, so I just replaced it, and both the sound and modem started again without any issues after the delays.
When I noticed the installation was off, I didn’t think of any eventual problem in starting it by connecting the battery, I thought I was exactly like the power switch; I regularly do that with mine all the time, and I never had issues. This procedure worked well here.
I have also worked on a battery sensor for monitoring the status of the battery, which Pete will also try for his sound installation.