17th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

17th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó

From left-right, Anna Xambó, Luigi Marino, Tug O’Flaherty, Andrés Sánchez Castrillón, Xinyue Xu and James Shortland.

On Friday 28 February 2025, we went on a field trip to Alice Holt Forest with the QMUL MSc students Xinyue, Tug, Andres, and James to meet Luigi and experience the streamers and Pete’s Dendrophone installation on site. After enjoying a nice walk from the Bentley station to the Alice Holt Visitor Centre and our weekly meeting in the Alice Holt Cafe with a rewarding coffee/tea, we met with Luigi and started our expedition.

Willows Green Trail: Dendrophone and Paula’s streamer

The tasks for this first part of the expedition in the Willows Green Trail included mainly three.

First, we helped Luigi with the regular maintenance tasks: code update, battery exchange of Pete’s installation and Luigi’s streamer, and backup of the SD card with the recordings of the month.

Second, we placed two QR codes manufactured with the help of Geetha Bommireddy using a laser cutter machine. It took us some time to find this waterproof solution thanks to the advice from Geetha and the feedback from Luigi and Pete. We placed one QR code in acrylic for Pete’s installation and one QR code in wood material for Luigi’s (Paula) streamer using VELCRO tape on the two respective chalkboards.

The two new QR codes on the chalkboards for the installation and streamer at the Willows Green Trail.
The two new QR codes on the chalkboards for the installation and streamer at the Willows Green Trail.

Third, we coated the wooden QR code using acrylic coating.

Luigi coating the new QR code for the Paula streamer.
Luigi coating the new QR code for the Paula streamer.

Meadow near the pond: Giorgio’s streamer

After lunch, we went to the meadow where the natural soundscape streamer is located to conduct three more tasks.

First, we helped Luigi with the regular maintenance tasks: code update and backup of the SD card with recordings.

Luigi updating Giorgio's streamer.
Luigi updating Giorgio's streamer.

Second, we placed a new blackboard using a mallet as well as placed the wooden QR code and coated it.

Xinyue coating the new QR code for the Giorgio streamer.
Xinyue coating the new QR code for the Giorgio streamer.

Third, Luigi presented the group with in-depth detail on how the streamer works.

Luigi showcasing how the streamer works.
Luigi showcasing how the streamer works to Tug, Xinyue and Andrés.


Overall, it was a beautiful day outdoors and we achieved all our objectives for the day.
Next, we need to update the A4 scientific poster because the laminated paper version collects water and the ink with the text disappears. The summer time is coming soon and we will need to change the angle of the solar panels back to the expected angle in spring/summer seasons.


Thanks to Danielle Grimsey and Emma Ward for their help with the logistics of the day and Geetha Bommireddy for her help and support with printing the QR codes.

