
Dendrophone | Peter Batchelor

📷 Photos and videos by Shuoyang Zheng

Dendrophone is a sound installation by Peter Batchelor that transforms environmental data from the forest into an auditory experience. By converting often hidden processes into sound, the installation aims to makes complex ecological interactions tangible. It also invites listeners to tune into the forest’s acoustic ecology, by complementing the natural soundscape. Dendrophone aims to deepen the connection between people and nature, encouraging them to listen beyond the installation and embrace the rich symphony of the forest that is always present yet often overlooked.

🔥 Dendrophone can be enjoyed on-site at the Alice Holt forest until July 2025. It works 9.00-17.00 (London time). Don’t miss it!

Live stream courtesy of Paula (Streamer II)

Video snippets from the opening

Photo of Peter Batchelor

Peter Batchelor is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader in Music Technology, and member of the Music, Technology and Innovation - Institute of Sonic Creativity (MTI2) at De Montfort University, Leicester and Co-Investigator of the Sensing the Forest Project. His creative activities encompass a range of electroacoustic composition and sound-making work, including radiophonic documentary, live-electronics and improvisation, multimedia and large-scale multi-channel installation work. Research interests that arise from this practice include: aural landscape construction in sonic arts practice; sound spatialisation/immersion; theories of space; place and listening as they pertain to sound; audience engagement and public art.

