Streamer | Luigi Marino
📷 Photos and videos by Shuoyang Zheng
At Sensing the Forest, we installed two listening stations: one near the permanent installation by Pete Bachelor, whose sounds are affected by the environmental data, and the second in a reclusive meadow near a gorgeous chestnut tree. In this way, everyone with an internet connection can go online and listen to the current state of Pete’s installation, or they can listen to the natural sounds happening in the meadow at any hour of the day or night. The devices we use for the transmission are simple internet radio transmitters. The technology isn’t new, but we gave the project an open-source twist. All the components of the transmitters belong to the DIY culture, and they are easily accessible or free to obtain as of today. All our original contributions - the models for the 3D-printed parts, the software, and the know-how - are freely available online on the project’s web page so that any enthusiast makers could build their own and hack them at will. We also tried to make them as environmentally friendly as possible: the cases are 3D-printed in PLA (a bioplastic made from corn starch) and waterproofed with bee wax.
🔥 You can check the two live streamers on this map or directly following the below two links 🔥
🔥 Attention: We recommend Chrome or Firefox for an optimal experience 🔥
Streamer I (Giorgio)
🔥 Note: This is a solar-powered system in the woods, which means it sometimes goes offline 🔥
Streamer I (Giorgio):
Streamer II (Paula)
🔥 Note: This is a solar-powered system in the woods, which means it sometimes goes offline 🔥
Streamer II (Paula):

Luigi Marino is a Research Fellow in Sound and Music Computing (Queen Mary University of London) working on the Sensing the Forest project. His research and practice focus on networks able to display relationships between human and nonhuman actors, and especially on how intuitive decisions can derail a pre-existing order. He is an active improvisor performing on both electronic media and percussion, in particular zarb and bowed custom cymbals extended with DIY portable circuits.