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Tenth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a tenth visit to the Alice Holt Forest, divided into two parts. In the first part, Pete installed two more solar panels to achieve an installation fully independent using four solar panels. In the second part, I went back again to check that the two streamers and Pete's installation were working as expected focusing on getting to know more about the EcoFlow unit.

Ninth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a ninth visit to the Alice Holt Forest, divided into two parts. In the first part, Luigi installed Streamer I Giorgio in the new setting and reset Streamer II Paula. In the second part, I checked that the two streamers and Pete's installation were working as expected.

Eight Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for an eight visit to the Alice Holt Forest to update Pete's installation and Streamer II Paula in Willows Green as part of the one-year artistic intervention.

Seventh Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a seventh visit to the Alice Holt Forest to find an bioacoustically-relevant location for Streamer I Giorgio.

Summer School at Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
After the six online sessions of the summer school, we all met at Alice Holt for two days on 19-20 June to prepare and launch the exhibition on the 20th! It was short and intense. It felt extremely rewarding. The exhibition was a big success.

Sixth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a sixth visit to the Alice Holt Forest to take some measurements for Pete's installation and allocate suitable spots for the installations to be showcased on the 20th of June.

Summer School Online Session 6

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We had our sixth and last Summer School meeting before our onsite gathering on 19-20 June, where the summer school participants presented their initial prototypes and received feedback.

Fifth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a fifth visit to the Alice Holt Forest to complete the logger (hardware and basic software).

Meet the Artists - Beccy Abraham

by Hazel Stone - Comments
Meet the artists selected for the summer school. Today we present the work of Beccy Abraham.

An Online Networking Event on Acoustic Ecology & Bioacoustics

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We were part of an informal gathering of knowledge exchange and networking on acoustic ecology & bioacoustics across C4DM-QMUL, MTG-UPF and the AHRC Sensing the Forest project team members & friends.

Meet the Artists - Rosa Sungjoo Park

by Hazel Stone - Comments
Meet the artists selected for the summer school. Today we present the work of Rosa Sungjoo Park.

Meet the Artists - Jordan Juras

by Hazel Stone - Comments
Meet the artists selected for the summer school. Today we present the work of Jordan Juras.

