
Entries Tagged "alice-holt-forest”

17th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a 17th visit to the Alice Holt Forest on 28 February 2025. The main goal of this field trip was to show the terrain to the QMUL MSc students Xinyue, Tug, Andres, and James to meet Luigi and experience the streamers and Pete's Dendrophone installation on site.

16th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Luigi Marino - Comments
We went for the 16th visit to the Alice Holt Forest on 15th February 2025. The main goal of this field trip was to replace the batteries for Dendrophone installation and Paula's streamer in the Willows Green Trail and install a newer high-end model for Giorgio's streamer.

15th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Luigi Marino - Comments
We went for the 15th visit to the Alice Holt Forest on 31st January 2025. The main goal of this field trip was to replace batteries and change Paula's model (installation streamer) in the Willows Green Trail.

14th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Peter Batchelor - Comments
We went for 14th visit to the Alice Holt Forest on 17th January 2025. The main goal of this field trip was to replace batteries and update software for both the sound installation and the streamer in the Willows Green Trail.

13th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a 13th visit to the Alice Holt Forest on 6 December 2024. The main goal of this field trip was to show the terrain to Alex while doing maintenance tasks for the streamers, introduce Alex to Pete for the interview about Pete's work, and brainstorm the design and content for a promotional leaflet.

12th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
On 17 September 2024, we went on a field trip to change batteries and do a general maintenance check of Streamers I and II, and make a few more recordings of the two sites (natural soundscape and modified soundscape).

11th Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for an eleventh visit to the Alice Holt Forest. The main goal of this field trip was to debug the EcoFLow solar panel, do a general maintenance check of Streamers I and II, and make a few more recordings of the two sites (natural soundscape and modified soundscape).

Tenth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a tenth visit to the Alice Holt Forest, divided into two parts. In the first part, Pete installed two more solar panels to achieve an installation fully independent using four solar panels. In the second part, I went back again to check that the two streamers and Pete's installation were working as expected focusing on getting to know more about the EcoFlow unit.

Ninth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a ninth visit to the Alice Holt Forest, divided into two parts. In the first part, Luigi installed Streamer I Giorgio in the new setting and reset Streamer II Paula. In the second part, I checked that the two streamers and Pete's installation were working as expected.

Eight Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for an eight visit to the Alice Holt Forest to update Pete's installation and Streamer II Paula in Willows Green as part of the one-year artistic intervention.

Seventh Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a seventh visit to the Alice Holt Forest to find an bioacoustically-relevant location for Streamer I Giorgio.

Sixth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a sixth visit to the Alice Holt Forest to take some measurements for Pete's installation and allocate suitable spots for the installations to be showcased on the 20th of June.

Fifth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a fifth visit to the Alice Holt Forest to complete the logger (hardware and basic software).

Fourth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a fourth visit to the Alice Holt Forest to test internet connectivity in three focal points and launch Streamer I for 1-2 days.

Summer School Online Session 5

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We had our fifth Summer School meeting where Luigi Marino (Queen Mary University of London) presented aesthetic considerations followed up with a round of pitching ideas and feedback.

Third Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a third visit to the Alice Holt Forest to prepare for the summer school in June and to test early prototypes of Luigi’s streamer and Pete’s sound installation.

Summer School Online Session 4

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We had our fourth Summer School meeting where Hazel Stone (Forestry England) presented approaches to creative responses in the landscape and Johana Knowles (Forestry England) focused on placemaking and audience.

Second Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Peter Batchelor - Comments
We went for a second visit to the Alice Holt Forest to identify the best spots with the help of Max Gravestock for our forthcoming artistic intervention in June.

Summer School Online Session 2

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We had our second Summer School meeting where Nick Wardlaw (Forestry England) and Michael Bell (Forest Research) presented Alice Holt from their respective perspectives.

Fieldtrip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went to visit Alice Holt to get to know the place and the team.

An Introduction to Alice Holt Forest

by Matt Wilkinson - Comments
An introduction to the Alice Holt Forest in terms of place and data.

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