
Entries Tagged "forest-research”

Fifth Field Trip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went for a fifth visit to the Alice Holt Forest to complete the logger (hardware and basic software).

Summer School Online Session 2

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We had our second Summer School meeting where Nick Wardlaw (Forestry England) and Michael Bell (Forest Research) presented Alice Holt from their respective perspectives.

An Interview with Liz O'Brien

by Anna Xambó and Luigi Marino - Comments
Dr Liz O’Brien is a Principal Social Scientist in the Society and Environment Research Group at Forest Research. Her research explores human-forest relationships with a particular focus on the cultural ecosystem benefits of trees and woodlands.

Fieldtrip to Alice Holt Forest

by Anna Xambó - Comments
We went to visit Alice Holt to get to know the place and the team.

An Introduction to Alice Holt Forest

by Matt Wilkinson - Comments
An introduction to the Alice Holt Forest in terms of place and data.

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